Street vendors are an indispensable part of urban life and have gone deep into the subconscious of many generations. There is no need to go to the store, people are still shopping enough food for family from street vendors. With two baskets in the shoulder, street vendors sell all kinds of goods that buyers need. They served the most food, fruits, flowers and domestic products. There are two kinds of streets vendors: those have a stable stand in the street and those go around by bike or foot.
Daily every early morning, street vendors got up and head to the street. With the small amount of money earned from street vendors every day, they embrace the future of their sons and daughters. Street vendors do have regular customers and stable trading relationships. They contribute to the economics and to the city. Many tourists are attracted to street vendors and considered them as a beauty of the city. Street vendors are extremely hard-working and good people who have little income. Each one of them has a story of their struggles that would touch your heart. They have always been open, friendly and easy to talk to, and have even taught Vietnamese to foreigners.
Tourists should try some food from the street vendors when come to Ha Noi. But still beware about food hygienic and safety. Ha Noi is growth, many old job has been lost like paper making, leather tanners,… but street vendors are still there. People still prefer to buy food, flowers,… from street vendors. When café, restaurants, and all kinds of lights pop up like mushroom in this bustling city. Street vendors is something from the old time holding little culture of Vietnam.