While you’re in Vietnam vacation packages, you’ll encounter a lot of buses on the streets and bus in Vietnam has become a popular and cheapest means of transportation. Vietnam’s bus system has been significant developed to meet the needs and expectations of customers and buses today are enjoyed by a majority of people. If you travel to Vietnam, getting on a bus and traveling around is definitely a joyful experience.

Inter-provincial Buses in Vietnam
Each region has its own major bus station. In Hanoi, there are My Dinh Bus Station and Giap Bat Station. In Ho Chi Minh City, Mien Tay and Mien Dong Bus Station are two major bus stations. With inter-provincial buses, you can experience great services and comfortable seats. To get to an inter-provincial bus, you need to buy a ticket in advance at the terminal, and then when you get on the bus, show it to the conductor. The price will depend on the route’s distance types of the seat that you choose.

Local Buses in Vietnam
In big cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, there are public bus services at cheap prices. Those buses depart from major terminals - My Dinh Bus Station and Giap Bat Bus Station in Hanoi, Mien Tay, and Mien Dong Bus in Ho Chi Minh City – and then go to different streets in Hanoi. However, one situation that you often find in Hanoi buses is that buses are crowded in rush hour.

How to Book Bus Tickets in Vietnam
If you want to travel by bus, there are some essential bus travel tips that may benefit you
- For buying inter-provincial buses’ tickets, you are advised to buy tickets from major terminals of large companies
- For foreign visitors, it is a good idea to bring a piece of paper and a pen to note down your destinations as bus drivers and their assistants are probably not be able to speak foreign languages.
- If there is any problem while you’re on the bus, you should ask the conductors for help.