If you are looking for a new stimulant to get you high in Vietnam, pipe-smoking or thuoc lao will be mentioned as the number one by all Vietnamese. Thuoc lao literally means “drug from Laos”. This traditional Vietnamese tobacco can be either smoked or chewed. A common proverb in Vietnam said that a piece of betel is the beginning of the story but for most of the Vietnamese gentlemen, pipe-smoking really begins theirs.

How to Enjoy Thuoc Lao - Pipe Smoking
Smoking Thuoc Lao by Pipe
Just need a dieu cay - a pipe made from bamboo or plastic, a ball of Vietnamese tobacco, a match to set the fire, you can get high like the true Vietnamese style. To experience pipe smoking, you can simply go to every drink stalls on every street. Order a cup of green tea, pack up a tobacco ball then put it into dieu cay, burn the tobacco, wait for a second then blow the ash out of the pipe, take a deep toke from the pipe together with drinking some tea, let the smoke get out from your mouth, you will feel extremely “phe” – the word Vietnamese people use to describe the high. You should ask someone sitting behind to catch you in case you may hit your head because of getting too high. You will be also addicted to a unique sound when smoking thuoc lao, it is so cool.

Some destinations which thuoc lao has become the specialty are Tien Lang in Hai Phong province and Quang Xuong in Thanh Hoa province.
Chewing Thuoc Lao
Vietnamese tobacco is also used to chew as a way of chewing betel leaves and areca nuts. Eat a pinch of dry tobacco in the mouth, keep it between the teeth and cheeks, sometimes chew the tobacco to get its water but not swallow it. Chewing thuoc lao cannot get you high as much like smoking but it is a worthwhile experience to try for once.
Importance of Thuoc Lao - Pipe Smoking in Vietnamese Custom
Thuoc Lao is Not Just Used to Get High
Pipe smoking has been an indispensable part of Vietnamese custom for a very long time. In daily life, thuoc lao and dieu cay are the “close friends” of all classes from the rich to the poor, from the functionaries to the citizens in Vietnamese old society. Their day could not go on and be really productive without toking on thuoc lao.

Pipe smoking even appears in folk song and proverbs such as “Nhớ ai như nhớ thuốc lào; Đã chôn điếu xuống lại đào điếu lên” (you do not miss anyone as much as you miss tobacco; as soon as you bury the bong, you dig it out again).
Thuoc Lao in Modern Society
Young generations in Vietnam no more toke on thuoc lao as much as their previous ones did. The main reason is the toxics having bad effects on people’s health of this tobacco. Maybe, in the future, thuoc lao will have to come to museums but its vital value in the culture of Vietnam can never be replaced in the mind of every Vietnamese person.
How about trying this interesting tobacco in your Vietnam tours? You will never forget it for sure.
Is thuoc lao legal to bring into canada
Hi Patrick,
Thuoc Lao is legal to be brought to Canada. However, according to the law, every passenger can only bring 2 packs of cigarettes.
Thuoc Lao, in some ways, can be considered a type of cigarettes so you need to be careful about the amount of Thuoc Lao you bring on the plane.
What are the best brands of thuoc laos to buy in Hanoi market
Hi Patrick,
Thuoc Lao Tien Lang is one of the best brands to buy in Hanoi market.
Can you help me find someone who would ship it here to my home in canada
Hi Patrick,
You can contact dieucaytphcm.com for further information.
Hi, how much is the price of thuoc lao tien lang?
Hi Mike,
The price of thuoc lao tien lang is about $40/kg.
How to buy or oder thuoc lao ...shipping to Malaysian
How tu buy in malaysia and cost how much
Which one is better brand? Tien Lang or Quang Xuong?
Hi Liam,
Tien Lang is more famous than Quang Xuong.
They own their unique taste and feelings so I recommend you to try both of them.
Hello Harry, can you contact me thru email?
Is Thuoc Lao harmful like cigarettes and can you bring it into Australia?? Because some guy near my area brang back 3 kg of it and told custom it was tea
how to buy and ship to Malaysia
Do you ship this to India???
I would like to buy alot...