Getting to know a new currency is just as fun as learning a new language. In this article, we offer an ultimate guide to help travelers clarify the Vietnam money, exchange rate, and useful ways to help you recognize 11 types of Vietnam currency.
Vietnam Currency Information for Travelers
The official currency in Vietnam is the Vietnamese “Dong” or in the shorter way, Dong. At this stage, there are two versions of Vietnam currency are in use: the Polymer note (500,000 VND, 200,000 VND, 100,000 VND, 50,000 VND, 20,000 VND, and 10,000 VND) and Cotton note (5,000 VND, 2,000 VND, 1,000 VND, 500 VND, and 200 VND). However, the last two cotton notes are rarely used since the value is too small.

Vietnam Currency Exchange Rate to US Dollar
Up to September 2020, the exchange rate between Vietnam Dong and US Dollar is 1 US$ ≈ 23,231 VND. Please see the below Vietnam currency exchange rate chart for further information
Vietnam Money | Equivalent in US$ |
500,000 VND | ≈ $ 23.00 |
200,000 VND | ≈ $ 9.00 |
100,000 VND | ≈ $ 4.60 |
50,000 VND | ≈ $ 2.30 |
20,000 VND | ≈ $ 0.92 |
10,000 VND | ≈ $ 0.46 |
5,000 VND | ≈ $ 0.20 |
2,000 VND | Too small to convert |
1,000 VND | Too small to convert |
500 VND | Too small to convert |
200 VND | Too small to convert |
Vietnam Currency Rate to Other Currencies
Australian Dollar: 1 AUD ≈ 17,000 VND
British Pound: 1 GBP ≈ 30,500 VND
Euro: 1 EUR ≈ 27,000 VND
US Dollar: 1 USD ≈ 23,000 VND
Japanese Yen: 1 JPY ≈ 209 VND
Singaporean Dollar: 1 SGD ≈ 17,000 VND
Malaysian Ringgit: 1 MYR ≈ 5,700 VND
Hong Kong Dollar: 1 HKD ≈ 3,000 VND
Russian Ruble: 1 RUB ≈ 405 VND
Thai: 1 THB ≈ 700 VND
Click here for further information about ATMs and Credit cards in Vietnam.
How to Recognize Vietnam Money
Vietnam Money Made From Polymer
500,000 VND Polymer Note

200,000 VND Polymer Note

100,000 VND Polymer Note

50,000 VND Polymer Note

20,000 VND Polymer Note

10,000 VND Polymer Note

Vietnam Money Made from Paper
5,000 VND Paper Note

2,000 VND Paper Note

1,000 VND Paper Note

Low-valued Vietnamese Paper Note (Not recommended to Receive these During Payment)
500 VND Paper Note

200 VND Paper Note

Vietnam Currency Tips
Classify Similar Notes
The couples of note 500,000 VND vs note 20,000 VND and 200,000 vs 10,000 VND are quite confusing for travelers to draw a distinction because of their similar colors. Remember that the size of the low denomination is always smaller than that of the high one. Before purchasing, check the size and numbers on the notes carefully to avoid wasting your money.
Other Accepted Currencies in Viet Nam
A common question that many travelers on their Vietnam vacations frequently asked: Is there other currency accepted in Vietnam? The answer is “Sure”. Although the official currency in Vietnam is VND, some big shops, restaurants, or hotels still accept paying in USD or Euro. However, if you pay in these currencies, the vendors often convert the price with an exchange rate in favor of them because prices in Vietnamese shops are often given in local currency. Therefore, you’re suggested to pay in VND when possible.
Travelers’ Cheque
Travelers’ Cheque is no longer used in Vietnam so remember that no banks or travel companies in Vietnam will accept this type of payment. Instead of buying travelers’ cheque for your Vietnam travel, you’re advised to bring US Dollars, AU Dollars, European or GB Pound, and exchange into the local currency on arrival.
Bargain in Vietnam
Rule number 1 when shopping in Vietnam is “bargain, bargain hard and bargain harder”. Therefore, when you want to buy something, propose a lower price than the one vendors offer you. If your discount is acceptable, they are willing to sell their product immediately. The effective way to avoid “foreigner price” is to go shopping with a Vietnamese to help you with the bargain.
Vietnamese Symbol “K”
You will see “50K”, “100K”, or “1000K” in the price tags at many shops in Vietnam. “K” actually represents a thousand so just add three more zeros to replace the letter “K” to know the exact. Therefore, “50k” is 50,000 VND; “100K” is 100,000 VND; “1000K” is 1,000,000.
Dot or Comma
Vietnam has the opposite use of dot and comma for numbers. Dot is used for thousand units while a comma is used for decimal numbers. Remember this carefully otherwise you will mistake the price of 200,000 VND into the one of 200 VND!
Interesting information abt Vietnam currency and exchange rate. Really useful for my Vietnam vacation. Good job!
I have 100 rupees of Vietnam Money I want to exchange how to exchange the money
Hi Romi,
You can exchange your Vietnam money at bank agencies which can be easily found in big cities in Vietnam.
Remember not to exchange it at unreliable stores as you may be cheated and it is an illegal action.