Nobody walks anywhere in Vietnam if they don't have to. Foreigners who actually profess a desire to stroll somewhere for funs are generally met with a mixture of incomprehension and disbelief from locals....
Nobody walks anywhere in Vietnam if they don't have to. Foreigners who actually profess a desire to stroll somewhere for funs are generally met with a mixture of incomprehension and disbelief from locals. This lack of local camouflage and obvious economic factors make it very difficult to walk around town without being constantly assailed by taxi, cyclo and xe om drivers. If you're still keen, DON'T expect to be able to walk down street pavements in most Vietnamese towns and cities: these are generally employed for parking cars, motorbikes and bicycles, displaying wares for sale, cutting hair, playing chess, hanging out, etc. You will soon be forced to walk in the street and take your chances with the traffic.