Wild Boar in Vietnamese Ecosystem

Wild Boar (Lon Rung)

Wild Boar is larger than the domestic pig, boars have stiff grey or reddish-brown fur. They may reach 1.35 meters in length and a weight of over 100 kilograms, with a lifespan of 30 years. The mother lives with her litter at least for two years. When wild boars are attacked, they form a circle, the weakest in the middle. They eat all kinds of roots and tubers, fish, snakes, birds and bird eggs. Adult males, very ferocious, can attack mammals as large as elephants. The canines of the upper jaw jut out and rub against the two canines of the lower jaw as on a grindstone. Wild boars are prized for their meat, tanned skin, and bristles, which is used to make brushes.

Wild Boar (Lon Rung)
Wild Boar

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